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A Great Reset Is Already Underway in Utah

By G. Murphy Donovan


We hear much these days about paradigm shifts and resets.  Much of the chat comes from crucibles like the World Economic Forum.  The WEF is a kind of “masters of the universe” boys club that meets to greet, eat, and ski at fabulously expensive hotels and restaurants in Davos, Switzerland.  The globalist press covers these champagne and caviar festivals because the Fourth Estate loves to hobnob with power and money.  The holy grail these days seems to be the pursuit of a “great reset,” or stakeholder capitalism — in practice, a Beijing model, more like capital communism.  A Chicom theologian would argue that their “capitalism” is just a phase on the way to totalitarian social stability.  For monopolist mandarins in America and Europe, the COVID-19 crisis is indeed a golden opportunity to remake the world — “capitalism with a Chinese face,” if you will.

For Western oligarchs, the Sino model means better control, hegemony, and wealth concentration.  For the global lumpenproletariat, unfortunately, the great reset means conformity, subordination, wokeness, utopian rhetoric, and new-age social leveling.

The “stake” in stakeholder capitalism goes through the heart of individual liberties.



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