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Soros-Linked D.C. Judge Releases Teen Gunman After He Sprayed Dozens of Shots at a Car


“Criminal Justice Reform” is alive and well in Washington, D.C. There is no crime so heinous that some judges won’t release a defendant based on cockamamie ideas about “justice.”

Judge Lloyd U. Nolan Jr., a judge in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia, felt pity on 18-year-old Armonte Moody and slapped his wrist right smartly before sending him home to live with his mother,

Did I mention that Mr. Moody sprayed a car with four passengers with 26 bullets from an AR-15 in April? Apparently, Judge Nolan didn’t think that Moody was a threat to the community and released him from jail.

Nolan concluded that Moody, who was charged with endangerment with a firearm, possession of a weapon, and assault, was not a threat to the community and approved a request to release him on house arrest with a GPS monitor on May 3, WJLA-TV reported.

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