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A Realistic Office Get-Home Bag

By raymondmhor


So many of us think of bugging out of our homes to get to a safe predetermined location.

But how many people have a bug-out bag to get out of the workplace? In today’s world, this has become a very realistic problem, especially with so many people who commute to work over a greater distance from their home to their place of employment.

What we are going to talk about is putting together a “Get Home Bag” that will help you in an emergency and allow you to get back home to your loved ones in a time of emergency and possible chaos. I have lived through several hurricanes as well as the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake. In all these cases it was not a total grid down situation. Many areas had electricity, cell service and internet. 

I am also more concerned with riots and social upheaval like we have been witnessing in these past few years. The lone shooter is also another concern shooting up a business or establishment is also very realistic.



A Realistic Office Get-Home Bag – Raymond Mhor – The Kilted Prepper

Caravan To Midnight

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