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By WND Staff


Marxism and Islam join forces to destroy Christianity and Judaism.

Just below the surface of today’s increasingly wild – and often outright insane – political, electoral and cultural scene, America is being ripped apart by a massive and ever-expanding religious war.

“What?” many might ask. “What ‘religious war’?”

After all, the weighty phrase evokes visions of massive, all-out bloody armed conflicts between warring faiths – like those between Catholics and Protestants that ravaged Europe for centuries, including the infamous Thirty Years War, one of the longest and most brutal wars in history with more than 8 million casualties.

Today, in 2024 America, the phrase “religious war” evokes mostly far-off outrages: Muslim Fulani herdsmen in Nigeria serially attacking Christian villages and massacring every man, woman and child while burning their homes to the ground. Atheistic Communist China persecuting virtually all religions, from Christians to Uyghur Muslims to Tibetan Buddhists to Falun Gong practitioners. The giant concentration camp known as North Korea, where – just to highlight one example – every member of a family, including a two-year-old child, was sentenced to life imprisonment because a Bible was found in their possession.

And then there’s the Middle East.

The nation of Israel and its Jewish inhabitants are the target of intended annihilation by an expansive army of Muslims worldwide. This army obviously includes the Hamas terror organization that rules Gaza, which last Oct. 7 launched a savage, atrocity-ridden war against the Jewish State that continues to this day, with no end in sight. Other jihadist organizations, including Lebanon’s Hezbollah, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Al-Qaida and Yemen’s Houthi movement are likewise openly dedicated to the elimination of Israel.

What about Israel’s neighboring countries? Qatar, the biggest financial supporter of Hamas, has notoriously given royal refuge to billionaire Hamas leaders. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, three weeks after Hamas launched its Oct. 7 war, threatened “to declare war on Israel and send military to Gaza in chilling warning.”

And then there’s Iran, whose maniacal theocratic leaders are in hot pursuit of a nuclear bomb, and who have promised one day to totally annihilate the Jewish state.

Despite the reality that Israel – the tiny Jewish state the size of New Jersey, comprising just one-tenth of 1% of the land mass of the Middle East – is surrounded by 22 Arab-Muslim nations, the dream that the Mideast’s only democracy will one day be obliterated is alive and well in the hearts of many of Israel’s neighbors. Then again, one could say, “Well, that’s the Muslim Middle East.”

But what about the United States of America?

In support of this shocking and plainly evil cause – the destruction of Israel and elimination of the Jews – large, angry demonstrations have been exploding throughout the U.S. for months. And not just on ivy league college campuses like Columbia and Harvard, but everywhere. From the giant anti-Israel rally that disrupted much of New York City to the “National March on Washington” to the thousands of “anti-Israel protesters” that rallied outside the White House, the demonstrations have spread like an out-of-control contagion.

Sen. Ted Cruz even reports that angry, pro-Hamas mobs have swarmed his Texas home dozens of times. “For the past 6 months,” says Cruz, “anti-Israel protestors have come to my home just about every Saturday morning at 7 a.m. and most Friday nights until 10 or 11 p.m. They scream, disturb the peace and wake the neighbors,” Cruz posted.

So wild and passionate are these protests that two demonstrators self-immolated – intentionally set themselves on fire – as an extreme form of protest against Israel; one of them died.

How on earth can all this possibly be happening? many ask. After all, America has been Israel’s most important, reliable and trusted ally since the modern Jewish state was founded 76 years ago in 1948.

Before exploring the astonishing reality of what is actually occurring just below most Americans’ “radar” – that is, an actual religious war raging throughout the land, which will explain not only the explosion of anti-Israel/anti-Jewish hatred, but a great deal more – let’s pause and set the stage by briefly surveying a few of the other once-unthinkable battles now playing out in today’s America.

There’s the naked “lawfare” persecution of the ruling regime’s opposition candidate, the 45th president of the United States, Donald J. Trump. And the shocking prosecution and lengthy imprisonment of hundreds of decent, America-loving, Trump-supporting “January 6” political prisoners cynically branded “domestic terrorists” and “violent insurrectionists.”

There’s the intentional flooding of America with literally millions of illegal aliens, including known terrorists, gang members, convicted criminals, mental patients, drug traffickers, human traffickers, communist Chinese militia and satanists (MS-13). What could possibly go wrong?

There’s the widespread grooming and recruitment of multitudes of American youths – children too young to legally drive a car or vote – into undergoing ghastly, irreversible surgical procedures, from double mastectomies to mutilation of their sexual organs. Such “gender-affirming medical care’ condemns them to a lifetime of unbearable conflict, misery, regret and a suicide rate seven times that of other American teens.

There’s the ruinous inflation that is impoverishing millions … and the nation’s crime-ravaged cities … and the 100,000-plus annual drug-overdose deaths … and the intentional destruction of the nation’s energy sector…


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