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an attack on the minds and hearts of civilians to build up a consensus around even the most controversial and self defeating governmental choices and endorsements


“caught in the vortex of this time of war, deprived of objective information, without the possibility of considering with detachment the great changes that have taken place or are taking place, or of predicting the future that is maturing, we ourselves are unable to realize the true meaning of the impressions that press upon us, and the value of the judgments that we are led to pronounce. Even science has lost its serene impartiality; its servants, deeply exasperated, try to draw weapons from it to contribute to the fight against the enemy. The anthropologist is led to demonstrate that the adversary is an inferior and degenerate being; the psychiatrist to diagnose spiritual and psychic disturbances in him”.

(from “Current considerations on war and death”, Sigmund Freud’s 1915 essay)

Come Sigmund Freud creĂČ la psicanalisi - Il Post

Sigmund Freud being portrayed by an artist

A quote that dates back to the beginning of the WWI and still is very current, in my personal opinion.
History and its narrative through news and political commentary should always pursue a new present that grows on its past that precedes it.
Regardless of whether or not we believe in the idea of progress, history should be progressive and dialectical with its past preceding it and its future following it in continuity or in a dialectic reaction to it.
But no! Today history has become fossilized, mummified and locked inside bubbles.

Bubbles that are artificially created for political purposes manipulation by experts and ”journalists” and presstitutes at the service of the Masters of Discourse.

Today 2023/10/7 bubble, (Hamas attack) has not passed and the passage of time cannot be felt. In fact, more than 100 days have passed since then but it is as if we were in the aftermath of that day. as if Israel hadn’t killed 24,000 civilians since then. a 200 to 1 retaliation. not even the Nazis remotely reached this ratio.
Yesterday 2022/2/24 (so called Russian invasion of Ukraine) there was no past, no precedents or casus belli.
Even before it there was 9/11 (attack on the Twin Towers) here, however, today the Elan Vital that led to the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq has run out.

In fact, Biden had paternally discouraged Netanhyahu from behaving as the Americans had done after 2001/9/11.
Then all these bubbles and others are placed within a macro bubble that sees the WWII Holocaust as Absolute Evil.

In my personal opinion, evil (which is never absolute but always relative to the threats to which it represents the response) is not Fascism, nor Nazism, but War itself, any war.

Especially when war jeopardizes the survival of a society at war against an enemy that could annihilate it.

And in the most recent wars (like Afghanistan and Iraq the absolute evil is sometimes only the economy, pursuing the maximization of the outcome with minimum effort, but I don’t intend to go into details now).
Depicting (wrongly!) the Holocaust as Absolute Evil forces us into a cognitive loop that repeats itself infinite times, freezing the people’s mind in that precise moment, making it unable to move forward or backward.

In theory the Holocaust should be commemorated only one day a year on January 27th of each year as I have already written in my last article. The International Holocaust Remembrance Day, or the International Day in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust, is an international memorial day on 27 January every year precisely.
In practice, at least in Italy for a week, if not a month or more around the January 27th date you are bombed with an obsessive negative Holocaust propaganda on mainstream media.
Such a repetition is so obsessive that even an idiotic alien who fell on Earth from another planet after just one day would know everything about the Holocaust!
Not only that but also while it is true that there are many other UN days of remembrance and therefore it might seem like a ”democratic” choice, but that’s not the case.

In fact the other many different days of remembrance are practically invisible given that those responsible for the mainstream and social media do not feel obliged to really celebrate them through their programs, being the investment on them is very low, while on the opposite for the International Day in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust there is a very high investment and/or an extremely strong action of pro Israel lobby forces. Or blackmail…


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