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Anti-Gunner Presents the Wackiest Gun Control Policy You Have Ever Heard

By Jeff Charles 


Of all the silly anti-gunner arguments in all the silly op-eds related to all the conversations on gun violence, I had to run into this one. However, I will give the author credit for creativity.

In response to the tragic shooting deaths of four police officers in North Carolina, author Jason W. Park wrote a piece arguing for an interesting form of gun control. His solution would involve subjecting those seeking to purchase firearms to a psychiatric test meant to determine whether they might be likely to have homicidal tendencies.

The author began building his case by identifying various aspects of the murder of the police officers.

How can we prevent another incident like this from happening? In my research on mass shootings, I identify three facilitators of them: 1) homicidal mental illness, 2) felony possession of firearms and 3) absent law enforcement.

In the Charlotte shooting, the suspect had a homicidal hatred of the police, making him mentally unbalanced. He also illegally possessed an AR-15 rifle, which means he was an armed felon. And although the police had him cornered, the suspect was a fugitive from justice and had evaded the police previously.

So, we know there is a problem. But can we put the genie back in the bottle? After all, we cannot force a mentally ill person to take medication and do therapy. We cannot trust a gun-toting felon to follow the law. And we cannot expect law enforcement to be everywhere, all the time.

It almost sounds like he’s making a case for gun ownership, does it not? However, it doesn’t take long for him to get to the punchline. He argues that this “is where the Sheehan Homicidality Tracke Scale (S-HTS) can help.” He describes it as “a 16-question test that detects homicidal tendencies in the test-taker” and contends that if it was administered in a gun store, it would prevent other such tragedies…



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