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Are Cloaked Parasites The Root Cause of Mold Illness, Lyme Disease, and Other Chronic Diseases?

Medical Hypothesis
By Bryan Rosner
Peer-reviewed by Lisa Petrison, PhD

I have been studying Lyme disease and reporting on my findings in various books as a full-time journalist for 16 years now, since I founded BioMed Publishing Group in 2003. Since that time, I have written 5 books on the topic and spent thousands of hours studying under many mentors. As well, I am a recovering Lyme disease patient myself.

I am writing this article because I believe I have new, critical information to contribute to the scientific community about one of the primary, underlying causes of not just Lyme disease, but many seemingly unrelated chronic illnesses.

It is well-known and well-accepted that mold toxicity plays an important role in the severity of Lyme disease. In fact, many clinicians now believe that mold is the number one factor in healing from Lyme disease. However, I believe there are additional factors which substantially add to the narrative.

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Mold Reactivity

Many Lyme disease sufferers eventually discover that they “react” to mold, meaning that they experience significant symptom flare-ups when they are in the presence of mold, even very small amounts of mold.

This began to happen to me, personally, in the Fall of 2016 (I chronicled this experience in my latest book). What I didn’t realize at the time was that this occurrence, and the knowledge I would later gain, would propel me on to a much deeper level of understanding of Lyme disease, and to observations about how “Lyme disease” itself is just one of many manifestations of a deeper problem: parasite infestation.

If someone would have told me at an earlier time that Lyme disease itself was not a core problem, and that there was a deeper root cause of the syndrome, I would never have believed them. Because the experience of Lyme disease is such a dramatic and engrossing one, and because all of the Lyme disease doctors who I followed were so absolutely focused on Lyme disease itself.

Of course, these doctors did recognize the role of toxicity, diet, genetics, and other factors in a person’s susceptibility to Lyme disease. But these predisposing variables were nevertheless highly vague and inconclusive, so it was mostly concluded that Lyme disease itself was the primary problem. In addition, none of the Lyme disease patients I have spoken with (and I have spoken with thousands) reported any considerable improvement from altering their lifestyle in the ways in which doctors suggested they do so.

However, my own reactivity to mold became so great and debilitating that I was forced to explore the role of mold in Lyme disease to an extent that I would never have voluntarily chosen. I had always believed simply that mold was one of many environmental factors which could influence the severity of Lyme disease. Now, however, I believe that mold is special; that it is the primary driving factor in Lyme disease…


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