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‘Are you OK?’: Blue-check libs criticize Kyrsten Sinema for carrying a Lululemon bag while voting down the minimum wage; Updated

By Greg P.

Libs aren’t just mad at Sen. Kyrsten Sinema for voting down the amendment to include a $15 minimum wage in the Covid-19 relief bill. They’re also mad at her for . . . this reasonably priced Lululemon bag?


Sadly, she’s not the only blue-check calling out the Arizona Dem:




She’s “doing the Lord’s work,” even:


A “#MarieAntoinette” moment? Really?


Apparently, the bag is marketed to take the wearer from “yoga to cocktails”:


NOTE: This defender of progressive values also has a comparably-priced bag, but it’s OK for her:


You know, we’re not the ones fixated on her clothing:


And in case her politics weren’t clear:


And since when is this bag a “badge of privilege”?


“Good grief, find a hobby”:


And it’s not even an expensive bag:


Who wants to tell him?




Better luck next fake outrage!


* * *


Bess Kalb has us blocked now, but she doubled (quadrupled?) down on her fight for the working person:




















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