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Australia begins lockdowns on farms over bird flu.


Australia has implemented lockdowns on farms due to bird flu outbreaks. Specifically, in the state of Victoria, more than 500,000 chickens have been euthanized, and strict quarantine zones have been established to restrict the movement of birds and equipment. The highly pathogenic H7N3 strain of avian influenza has been detected on four farms, while another virus, H7N9, has been found on a fifth property over the past seven weeks. As part of sweeping biosecurity controls, at least 580,000 birds have been destroyed.

Additionally, Japan and the United States have temporarily banned poultry imports from Victoria as a precautionary measure. The situation has also impacted egg supply chains, leading some supermarkets in Australia to restrict the number of eggs consumers can purchase. Avian influenza is a viral disease that spreads mainly among wild water birds and can infect both birds and cows. While cases of human infection are rare, health authorities are closely monitoring the situation.

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