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Biden distances himself from anti-Israel ‘voices’ in Democratic Party, says they are ‘wrong’ to call Jewish nation ‘an apartheid state’

Conservative Institute Conservative Institute

By Ben Marquis

There are a number of elected Democrats who hold a rather dim and highly critical view of the Jewish nation of Israel, a staunch U.S. ally that is the only functioning democracy in the Middle East, but President Joe Biden doesn’t appear to be among that cohort.

During an interview Wednesday with an Israeli media outlet during a trip to that nation, President Biden distanced himself from his fellow Democrats who have maligned Israel as an “apartheid state” and unequivocally said that sort of view was “wrong,” Fox News reported.

Biden further touted his own administration’s aid provided to Israel and stated that he saw “no possibility” of either major American political party, Democrats or Republicans, turning their backs and “walking away” from the Middle Eastern ally…

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