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Biden is gaslighting America, but is it working?

Washington Examiner - Political News and Conservative Analysis About Congress, the President, and the Federal Government Washington Examiner - Political News and Conservative Analysis About Congress, the President, and the Federal Government

by Elizabeth Stauffer

The gaslighting of America that began during the Obama years and increased after the Jan. 6 Capitol riot has reached epic proportions over the past month. But the optics and content of President Joe Biden’s outrageous prime-time address last week marked a new low for an administration that has presided over the most massive government power grab in U.S. political history.

Against a “ blood red ” background, two Marines stood behind the president as he delivered a speech for the ages. Biden wanted to be “crystal clear” that everything is at risk in this country because of the Republican Party, including people’s so-called right to abortion, “the Social Security you paid for from the time you had a job,” children’s safety from gun violence, the right to vote, and “the very survival of our planet.” Heck, MAGA Republicans are even a threat to democracy itself, he warned, because they refuse to accept the will of the people and embrace political violence. Trump loyalists are trying to destroy the country, he railed.

This was gaslighting, pure and simple. Apart from Republicans’ efforts to place limits on abortion, everything the president said was a lie. Indeed, Biden was employing a tactic once favored by Joseph Goebbels and the KGB — the time-honored practice of accusing one’s political opponents of what they themselves are doing…

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