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Biden, Kerry, Heinz, and Archer Timeline

Posted by u/traqbak

I’ve spent the past few nights in never ending rabbit holes on US, China, and Ukraine relations over the past 10 years..I’ve took what I believe is the most critical and important information and structured this timeline, from 2009 until Biden’s decision to run for president.


Hunter Biden (son of Vice President Joe Biden) and Chris Heinz (stepson of Secretary of State John Kerry) create Rosemont Capital, an international investment firm with the help of Devon Archer, a businessman and close friend of Heinz. Rosemont would eventually expand and adding two branches, Rosemont Realty and Rosemont Seneca Partners.



After months of tough talks with China. Biden & Kerry back down on the South China Sea Dispute. At which point China immediately ramps up activity on the disputed territories mostly with military bases being constructed.

12 days later the bank of China creates an investment fund with Rosemont Seneca, a branch of Hunter Biden and Chris Heinz’s Rosemont Capital. The fund name was Bohai Harvest Rosemont more commonly known as BHR.

China also allows Rosemont to set up shop in the shanghai zone..which means Rosemont would actually be allowed to take chinese goverment money and actually invest it outside of China..even in the US. Making rosemont the only western company in world with that power.


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