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Biden tells AP he’s unpopular because Americans are mentally unwell

By Monica Showalter


Joe Biden, as his party propaganda and media enablers say, is a man of compassion.

And he’s now loaded with such compassion with remarks like this, addressing his own unpopularity with the American people.

See, it’s not that we’re bad people or anything.  It’s not that we’re depraved deplorables, or terrorists, as Democrats have said in the past.  We’re just sick in the head.

And for Biden, that makes sense, given that his unpopularity stretches across party lines and includes traditionally Democrat constituencies such as black, Hispanic, Asian-American, and young voters now.



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One Comment

  1. Ventriloquist Kriket Ventriloquist Kriket June 18, 2022

    Yes, better, but got over it, all because of you, Joe. A little Texas wit is due. Spent over five years in Waco, and toward the last worked at James Connally Air Force Base around 1964 before it was closed in 1968. Favorite game at the base and in Texas, dominoes, for Whites and Mexicans alike, also Negro we had, he was a character, his sayings, if ask how’s he doing, he’d say, I was better but got over it, and another one, gimme, lend me, loan me, can I borrow, or I’ll steal.

    First exposure to Texas humor was from a friend in Waco, early on. And this is for you, Joe, try to figure it out. Question: What’s the difference between an orange? Answer: Hold up thumb and first finger, almost but not quite touching, and then say “About that much.”

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