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Bill de Blasio’s wife has a $2 million-a-year staff

A classic example of living rich on the taxpayer dime. Meanwhile New York City is imploding.

(From The New York Post)

Fourteen city workers assisting McCray cost taxpayers $2 million a year — most of it buried in the payrolls of various city agencies until former Post reporter Yoav Gonen pulled together the details for online “paper” The City.

Oh, and her staff is twice the size it was in 2018, further evidence that the mayor is using city resources to set his wife up to win next year’s race for Brooklyn borough president. (Using city staff for this purpose would be illegal but who is noticing?)

By Post Editorial Board

Nearly a third of New Yorkers may be out of work thanks to the pandemic and lockdowns, but first lady Chirlane McCray’s staff is … thriving. And Mayor Bill de Blasio’s excuse for it is beyond laughable.

Fourteen city workers assisting McCray cost taxpayers $2 million a year — most of it buried in the payrolls of various city agencies until former Post reporter Yoav Gonen pulled together the details for online “paper” The City.

Oh, and her staff is twice the size it was in 2018, further evidence that the mayor is using city resources to set his wife up to win next year’s race for Brooklyn borough president.

“This work is about the needs of the people of this city especially in this crisis,” de Blasio said this week, pointing to her running of his “racial equity” task force as well as (he’s so shameless) the universally criticized ThriveNYC mental health debacle.

Yet many staffers plainly aren’t doing crisis work. One is a $70,000-a-year videographer (paid via the Health Department!) who recorded the first lady baking cookies during the pandemic.

Another is a $143,000-a-year PR director — whose job, by definition, is to boost her image, not to serve the public. Same for her $65,000 “associate director of advance.”

Taxpayers may get some value from others on her staff, like the special assistant from the mayor’s office who makes $115,000, and the $130,000 “executive program specialist” from the Department of Social Services — after all, someone has to actually supervise the programs that McCray is nominally in charge of.

Another sign of corruption: The mayor imposed a hiring freeze early this year — but McCray still got to bring on a new $150,000-a-year senior adviser in April, who somehow got classified as an essential worker.

Essential to the first family’s hopes of continued taxpayer support after term limits forces the mayor out of office, maybe. This naked abuse of his public trust puts the lie to all de Blasio’s endless moral sanctimony.



  1. Tyson Tyson August 22, 2020

    This is a perfect example of socialism. The self appointed “elite” live like kings while the proletariat (the rest of us) live in poverty or below while we pay everything and serve the “elite”.

  2. UsefulIdiots UsefulIdiots August 22, 2020

    Sounds like another Michael Obama… birds of a feather flock together.

  3. JOHN W JOHN W August 22, 2020

    Just how far can these career politician’s go without anyone reigning them in? How can this happen without Citizen’s demanding accountability and transparency from these Criminals! If these were Republication’s, they would have exploded the News Media with damnation and calls for Criminal charges and Impeachment! When will the Citizen’s finally say that enough is enough, and take their City and Freedom back from these Career Criminals? Unbelievable what these outlaws have gotten away with, and with the permission of the People! New York city will be “Gotham City” very soon! No one will dare go outside, shop, work, worship, school, or anything else, except for these people who have Armed Guards! The City is Burning and Nero is Fiddling! Can’t imagine why the Citizen’s have not risen up to fight back and regain their rightful peaceful place to live and raise their family!

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