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Bill Gates aims to fight climate change by stopping cows from burping

By Kristen Altus, Fox Business

If you didn’t think that solving how to stop cows from burping is a million-dollar idea, well, Bill Gates apparently does.

The Microsoft co-founder and billionaire has reportedly backed an Australian-based startup looking to stop cows from burping methane emissions, pouring funds into research around livestock food supplements.

According to a press release, Gates’ firm Breakthrough Energy Ventures, with participation from Harvest Road Group, raised $12 million for Rumin8, a climate technology company.

Rumin8 studies solutions to reducing livestock emissions, and their latest initiative identifies “anti-methanogenic properties” that can be produced efficiently and for a low cost to eventually feed to livestock.

The dietary supplement is synthetically replicated from an active ingredient found in red seaweed called bromoform, which prohibits the creation of methane.

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