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BREAKING: Biden Defies Calls To Drop Out, Promises To Stay In Race

By Chris Powell


During whirlwinds of rumors and intense media speculation about his future in the presidential race, President Joe Biden has set the record straight. Despite recent setbacks and mounting skepticism from various quarters, including a notably challenging debate performance, Biden’s resolve reportedly remains unshaken.

The origins of the turmoil can be traced back to a report by the New York Times, which suggested on Wednesday morning that Biden had expressed his doubts about the viability of his campaign following a disappointing debate showing. The article cited an anonymous ally who claimed to have spoken to the president shortly after the debate, revealing Biden’s concerns about his ability to rejuvenate his campaign.

“He knows if he has two more events like that, we’re in a different place” by the end of the weekend, the ally said to the Times, referring to Biden’s disjointed showing in the debate. The report rapidly ignited speculation about the future of his candidacy. However, the White House and Biden’s reelection team were quick to counter these claim.

In a sharp rebuttal, White House spokesperson Andrew Bates criticized the New York Times for their reporting approach, stating, “That claim is absolutely false. If the New York Times had provided us with more than 7 minutes to comment we would have told them so.”

On Wednesday amid turbulent waters, Biden himself spoke up. During a campaign call, he declared emphatically, “Let me say this as clearly as I possibly can as simply and straightforward as I can: I am running…no one’s pushing me out. I’m not leaving. I’m in this race to the end and we’re going to win,” according to Politico’s Elena Schneider…


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