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Bronx Residents Excited for Trump Rally, Fed Up With Biden



Donald Trump held a historic rally in South Bronx, New York, and many residents— even some Democrats — were excited for the GOP candidate to show up.

“Fox & Friends Weekend” co-host Rachel Campos-Duffy, before the rally, talked to a number of Bronx residents who are fed up with Joe Biden and Democrats in general. Feeling used and abused, the residents are remembering how much better life was under Trump and looking for alternatives to the Democrats who have so long controlled New York. Trump’s Bronx rally could win him more New York support, including from black and Hispanic voters.

In fact, Rev. Ruben Diaz Sr., president of New York’s Hispanic Clergy Association, was one critic of life under the disastrous policies of the Biden administration. “Senior citizens cannot walk down the street. Our children are being killed. When you go to a grocery store, you can’t even buy anything anymore,” he told Fox News. “I’m a Democrat. All my life I’ve been a Democrat, but Democrats have used us and abused us, they think that they own us. Donald Trump is giving us an opportunity.”

Another resident highlighted the same reality: “Black people and Hispanic people are very happy about him coming here, and they want to see the options, and they want to see Democrats step their game up. Republicans have an opportunity here that they can’t let go.”

One resident expressed his approval of Trump making the effort to visit such a strongly blue area as the Bronx. Meanwhile, another voter explained that not all “registered Democrats” are unwilling to vote Republican or have not done so before. “I happen to be one of those Democrats that hasn’t voted Democrat since the age of Ronald Reagan,” he told Campos-Duffy…



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