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Posts published in “Financial News”

Donald Trump blasts UN for its $230 million budget deficit as General Assembly reveals one-third of member nations are delinquent in dues this year – INCLUDING the U.S.

Donald Trump tweeted that the UN should ‘make all Member Countries pay, not just the United States’ in order to solve its deficit crisis U.S.…

HOUSE DEMS PLOT TO USE IRS TO SUPPRESS CONSERVATIVES The Oversight Subcommittee of the House Ways and Means Committee was holding a hearing on How the Tax Code Subsidizes Hate. Its theme was removing tax-exempt status from groups it didn’t like. DEMOCRATS ON OVERSIGHT APPEARED TO BE PROPOSING TO PUT THE SPLC AND ITS SPURIOUS HATE LISTS AND MAPS IN CHARGE OF TAX-EXEMPT STATUS The Democrats running it didn’t issue a full list of allegedly discriminatory groups they wanted the government to discriminate against, but the Committee’s Twitter list of ‘hate groups’seem to overlap with a list assembled by the Southern Poverty Law Center and curated by Philanthropy Magazine. The Southern Poverty Law Center’s leadership was recently forced to resign over racism and sexual harassment. Its hate map had inspired a terrorist attack against the Family Research Council in D.C. In the same city where the hearing was taking place, Floyd Corkins had shot Leo Johnson, the African-American building manager, while trying to murder members of the conservative civil rights group. “Southern Poverty Law lists anti-gay groups. I found them online,” Corkins had told the FBI. For years now, the hate-filled Leftist propaganda group known as the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has defamed my American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI), one of the foremost organizations fighting to preserve freedom in America today, as a “hate group.” The smear has been irritating, but ultimately ineffective in stopping our work. Now, however, House Democrats are determined to change that: the Democrat-controlled House Ways and Means Committee has called for stripping tax-exempt status from 60 “hate groups,” including AFDI.

HOUSE DEMS PLOT TO USE IRS TO SUPPRESS CONSERVATIVES The Oversight Subcommittee of the House Ways and Means Committee was holding a hearing on How…

Donald Trump blasts Federal Reserve and chairman Jay Powell for ‘no guts, no sense, no vision’ as bank cuts interest rates by 0.25% – far less than he wanted

Federal Reserve cuts benchmark overnight lending rate to a range of 1.75% to 2.00% on a 7-3 vote It says the U.S. economy continues growing at a…

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