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Cemex Ties To Child Sex Trafficking

The most despicable crime on the face of the earth is child sex trafficking and the global elite are involved in controlling the industry in every country.

Has the Trump administration exposed the ties to the Mexican Cement & Concrete business and child trafficking as well as it’s
ties to various government officials?

President Trump declared a state of emergency, allowing his administration to freeze the financial accounts of anyone involved with human trafficking, child pornography, trafficking children for pedophilia or human sacrifice. And this includes politicians and state actors – “current or former government officials, or a person acting for or on behalf of such an official.”

One year ago, President Donald Trump vowed to end the deplorable practice of human trafficking, responsible for supplying children to pedophiles across the world. The President appeared on cameras amidst an expert group of anti-human traffickers, presumably advising the U.S. leader of how to handle the endemic problems. “READ MORE…”

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