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Christian student cites Bible in private discussion, gets suspended

By Bob Unruh


Lawsuit charges school officials violated his constitutional rights

A Christian student accused by school officials of “laughing” at off-color jokes told by other students, and later sharing his Christian beliefs in a private conversation, was suspended for three days, and now is suing for that punishment.

The Great Lakes Justice Center is representing student David Stout in the case in federal court in the Western District of Michigan.

“My client’s religious speech and beliefs should be treated with tolerance and respect,” explained David A. Kallman, senior legal counsel with the center. “Public schools may not violate the Constitution and enforce a heckler’s veto of student speech. Nothing David did caused any disruption or problem at the school. He has the right to express his opinion in accordance with his sincerely held religious beliefs, without vilification or punishment from the government for holding to those beliefs. Great Lakes Justice Center will defend our client’s freedoms to the fullest extent of the law.”

The center explained the three-day suspension was imposed on Stout “for stating his Christian beliefs in a private text conversation and in a hallway at school.”


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