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‘Contains Bioengineered Food Ingredients’ – Why It’s On So Many Labels Now

 By Robert Slye


I’ll bet if you go to your pantry and start checking the label on your foods you will be surprised at how much GMO food you have. ‘Food’ companies are sneaking this trash into everything. The only warning is in small font located somewhere on the packaging.

I used to love Hellman’s mayo. I checked the label – Contains Bioengineered Food Ingredient. Tossed it.
Campbell’s Homestyle Chicken Noodle Soup? Contains Bioengineered Food Ingredient. Tossed it.
Hidden Valley Original Ranch Dressing? Tossed it.

I missed those foods for a few weeks, but will not participate in a food experiment. I don’t know the ramifications of rampant GMO consumption. Maybe it will turn out to not be harmful. Maybe it is disastrous. But I’m not eating it.

It is difficult to eliminate genetically modified ingredients from your diet because they are in so many foods. GMO ingredients come from the main GMO plants – soybeans and corn. So anything that has soy, soybean oil, canola, corn, and corn oil will have GMOs in it. Which are the ingredients to virtually all processed foods including chips, soups, sauces, ice cream, frozen foods, coffee creamer, desserts, candy, drinks, etc.



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