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Dangers of Subversion & Mind Cloning


The US history of mind cloning

Mind control techniques were first introduced by the German spy agencies during the 2nd World War. The Nazi doctors used them in the Dachau concentration camp to subvert the minds of Jews, and imperialist Japan in Japanese concentration camps.

The CIA, KGB and MI-5/6 then perfected these mind-controlling techniques on their own people and the captured prisoners of war. CIA has carried out a series of projects starting from the 1953 project under Allen Dulles to manipulate brain functions. The purpose is to alter human behavior and to subdue/control human minds.

The CIA is still continuing with this practice despite the ban imposed by the US Supreme Court in 1964. Even school students are administered sedative injections to numb their minds. KGB, now called FIS/SVR, is also resorting to this gory practice. This methodology is used to execute subversion and espionage. Suicide bombers and bomb planters are brainwashed and made amnesic. Important leaders of the developing world are mind cloned to make them dance to their tunes.

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