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DEM PARTY CHAIR Is Literally Left SPEECHLESS when CBS “Face The Nation” Host Reminded Him How Biden Promised To Unify All Americans At Inaugural Speech But Is Now Calling Republicans “Semi-Fascists” [VIDEO]

By Jesse Martin 


The DNC Chair can’t answer for Biden calling Republicans “semi-fascist” when asked how it fits with his call for unity during his inaugural address

When Biden campaigned he campaigned as someone who would “unite” the country–and perhaps he did, since his approval ratings regularly show around 60% of Americans cannot stand him. He reiterated his calls for unity in his inaugural address when he stated that  we should not view each other as adversaries. However, since taking office, Biden has done nothing but sew division and demonize Republican voters and anyone else with enough sense to find him detestable.

With remarks such as “this ain’t your father’s Republican Party;” “Ultra-MAGA;” and most recently calling Republicans “semi-fascist,” his rhetoric is highly inflammatory and not at all designed to unite anyone. Additionally, a a Justice Department and arrangement of alphabet agencies (IRS, FBI, CDC, DHS, etc.) which refer to an array of Americans from Republican voters, to 2nd Amendment enthusiasts, to vaccine skeptics as threats to America, domestic terrorists, and everything short of “undesirables” (as the Nazis would say) it is clear that his entire Administration is designed to sew hatred and target political enemies.



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