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Dems’ Impeachment Strategy isn’t to Win Over the Senate, but DEFEAT the Senate

A common belief among conservatives is that Democrats have blundered in their impeachment trial argumentation, that they’ve shot themselves in the foot. Perhaps so. But we should remember that their goal cannot, logically, be to win over the Senate so President Trump can be ousted from office before November.

It would have to be that they want to win the Senate for Democrats in November.

It’s easy believing that the world’s Adam Schiffs and Jerrold Nadlers are ill-intended Inspector Clouseaus (without his luck), and no great genius should be ascribed to them. But they’re surely smart enough to realize that they’ll never get the votes of two-thirds of the Senate — 67 members — which are necessary to convict and remove Trump. Not happening.

It’s easy believing that the world’s Adam Schiffs and Jerrold Nadlers are ill-intended Inspector Clouseaus

So logic dictates that the smarter Democrats aren’t likely making a legal case to the senators to remove the president from power, but a political case to the people to remove the GOP senators from power.

This may place in perspective New York congressman Nadler’s supposed “huge blunder,” to quote legal scholar Jonathan Turley. “One of the things you teach law students is that when you make arguments to juries, make sure you don’t insult the jury,” Turley explained to CBS News. “That is, you don’t want to make statements that make them feel stupid or ascribe any bad motivations to them.”

Turley was referring to Nadler’s claim that the senators could be engaged in a “cover-up.” If you actually call the senators “traitors or conspirators in a cover-up,” Turley elaborated (video below), “it’s more likely they’re going to join together than break apart.”

Yet what if this is precisely what the Democrats want?



One Comment

  1. Methos Methos January 29, 2020

    NO! It’s not to defeat the Senate either. The goal of the Democrats (Communists) is to defeat any resistance to their push toward the tyranny of Communism!

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