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DePape isn’t political; he’s crazy

by Andrea Widburg

I’ve been following the Paul Pelosi/David DePape story closely. I watched the left-wing narrative build up and am now witnessing its collapse, all while the facts on the ground remain bizarre and unexplained. But what is also inescapable about what happened, as Michael Shellenberger explains, is that DePape is the end point of California’s ideologically radical climate combined with the drug abuse the West Coast tolerates and even encourages.

First, the bizarre and inexplicable facts: Nancy Pelosi is third in line for the presidency, yet we’re being asked to believe that her house, in a super chichi neighborhood, had no 24-hour federal or city security. It also appears that Paul slipped into the bathroom to call the police, which implies that, whatever else DePape was doing, he gave Paul freedom of movement.

I’ve read, too, that a third person voluntarily opened the door to the police. Two other apparent facts: The two men were struggling over a hammer, so we don’t know who had it first. We do know, though, that the police witnessed DePape attack Pelosi at which time they intervened. I’ve read, too, although I cannot find the link, that DePape had injuries even more serious than Pelosi’s. It remains a mystery whether he received them from Pelosi or the police…

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