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Diego Rodriguez Issues Challenge to St. Luke’s and Attorney Erik Stidham

Diego Rodriguez Issues Challenge to St. Luke’s and Attorney Erik Stidham


As many of you know, my good friend Ammon Bundy and I are being sued by St. Luke’s Hospital right now. They are attacking us with the fraudulent charges of defamation, invasion of privacy, etc.

All of this is happening because we fought back against them and exposed their evil after they participated in the kidnapping of my grandson, Baby Cyrus.

I know it all sounds ridiculous, but this is how these big corporations who have power and control work. They attack anyone who exposes them using the court system as a weapon to shut down their public opponents like Ammon and I.

In this case, as in most cases just like this, neither Ammon or I have done anything wrong, broke any laws, or stated anything that wasn’t factually accurate. But none of that matters in a corrupt court system. The only thing that matters is how much money you can afford to throw at a case so you can drown your opponents in legal fees, wasted time, and endless bureaucratic hoop jumping. A case like this one, if we were to hire lawyers to fight it, would cost several hundred thousand dollars. And that’s money you don’t get back if you win. You just lose it forever—simply just to prove your innocence. That’s why people just quit and give up. It’s too expensive and too time consuming.

In this case, St. Luke’s has hired the Holland and Hart law firm, the same firm that represents Governor NonBinary Brad Little and the State of Idaho, in general. It also works for the biggest and most powerful lobbyist organizations in Idaho—in other words, this is the law firm of/by/and for, the Idaho Swamp. And since St. Luke’s gets millions of dollars from the government, they can write a blank check to Holland and Hart to smother Ammon and I since you, the taxpayer, are ultimately paying for it. So they don’t care.

Now, the most recent development in our court case is that Holland and Hart, through its lead attorney on this case, Erik He/Him/His Stidham, has managed to convince Judge Lynn Norton to issue a “Protective Order” against me and Ammon, which essentially states that we are not allowed to “intimidate, threaten, or harass” any person who is associated with this case.

Well duh, Erik He/Him/His Stidham. Threatening people is against my faith and my moral code. It’s also illegal in Idaho according to Idaho Statute 18-901. So it’s pretty silly to get an order against us to simply tell us that we can’t break the existing law. Duh! That’s like putting a protective order against us saying, “You can’t drive 100 mph on the freeway or you will be in contempt of court.” Well, driving 100mph on the freeway is already illegal, so obviously your intent is different. In this case, Erik He/Him/His Stidham has told on himself and let us all know what he’s really trying to do.

You see, he just sent me a cease-and-desist letter which refers to this “protective order” in an attempt to force me to remove content on my website that exposes them. That’s the whole goal. They want to violate my 1st Amendment right to have freedom of speech, and the overall freedom of the press, and prevent me from publishing FACTS that exposes them and their wickedness. And they’re threatening me with contempt of court if I don’t comply.

You see this is not about justice, this is all just a game to them. And Erik Stidham and his cowardly gamesmanship are on full display for the world to see. He is trying to use this protective order to redefine “harassment” so that anything I have posted or published on my website about parties in this lawsuit could be considered “harassment.” It is a thinly veiled attempt at weaponizing the court to destroy the first amendment and to stifle a political/legal opponent.

But I’m going to make it even more obvious for everyone to see with a simple offer I am going to make to you, Erik He/Him/His Stidham. And most specifically to St. Luke’s Hospital…


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