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DISGUSTING: MSM & far left join forces to shame, mock Christian who just DIED, because he made a JOKE about VACCINE

DISGUSTING: MSM & far left join forces to shame, mock Christian who just DIED, because he made a JOKE about VACCINE
DISGUSTING: MSM & far left join forces to shame, mock Christian who just DIED, because he made a JOKE about VACCINE


Media outlets and far left kooks like Raw Story and the Twitter mobs have joined forces (as if they aren’t really the same thing already anyway) to mock and shame a man who just died, because he made fun of vaccines.

It was barely anything. The guy, who had fewer than 700 Twitter followers, made a joke a while back that “I got 99 problems but a vax ain’t one.” OH NO!

And he said “Biden’s door to door vaccine ‘surveyors’ really should be called JaCovid Witnesses.” HEAVENS TO BETSY!

As far as the media is concerned he’s been convicted of his thought crimes and the sentence, carried out by ventilator, was just and appropriate.

I hesitate to even share their disgusting behavior but you really have to see it.

Meanwhile, there are thousands of tweets like these from the left:

Wonder why this man with no social media following ended up in the news?

It’s because he goes to Church. Specifically, he attends a church that famous conservatives attend. That’s the reason. He was posting on Instagram about prayers. They are mocking his prayers and faith.

That’s what it’s really about. Not just conservative hate, but that old tradition among progressives since Ancient Rome: persecuting Christians.


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