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DISGUSTING: Transgender Teacher Says It Is Appropriate To Discuss Gender And Sexuality To 3 YEAR OLDS! [VIDEO]


by Adam Wilson

Governor Ron DeSantis is a national treasure.  All he had to do was pass a bill forbidding teachers to teach 5-9-year-olds about sex, and much of the mainstream left have exposed themselves as being sympathetic to pedophiles.  “Libs of TikTok,” a Twitter account with over half a million followers, has been at the forefront of exposing the insane left-wing backlash to the legislation that liberals dishonestly call the ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill.

This morning, the account released a video from a far-left transgender teacher who said that children as preschoolers are ready to discuss topics such as gender and sexuality.  She says that if you do not believe that your three-year-old child should be able to discuss these topics, you are transphobic and homophobic…

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