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DOT Increasing Supply Chain Shortage by Pulling Over 10,000 Truckers for LEGAL Cannabis Use

by Matt Agorist

Currently, in the United States, there are 19 states which have legalized recreational marijuana and 37 other states which permit it for medical use. As we wait for the rest of the states to emerge from the dark ages, cities in every state have begun to decriminalize this amazing plant and cannabis is quickly becoming mainstream.

Even in states where cannabis is entirely prohibited, attitudes are shifting and aren’t waiting for the law to catch up. The people have spoken and cannabis gets the vote the overwhelming majority of the time.

In spite of mass acceptance and widespread legalization, however, bureaucrats hellbent on stagnant policies and reefer madness desperately attempt to maintain their grip over what people can and can’t put in their own bodies. One group of bureaucrats in the United States Department of Transportation (DOT) is upholding a no-tolerance policy that will have detrimental consequences beyond just the drug war…

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