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ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! ERIC Sacrifices Teens’ Privacy on the Altar of “Election Reform”


by Elizabeth Ayoub

When applying for a driver’s license in Michigan, an individual must provide a full legal name; date of birth; residence address; one’s sex, eye color, and signature; whether or not one intends to make an anatomical gift; and the last 4 digits of one’s Social Security number.[i]

Also, according to Michigan Compiled Law, an individual “may have his or her image and signature captured or reproduced.”[ii]

When a parent takes a teenager to the Secretary of State’s office to apply for a driver’s license, the parent must provide a certified copy of the youth’s birth certificate. Then, that youth’s name, birthday, address, gender, signature, last four digits of the youth’s Social Security number, the youth’s signature and picture are provided to (captured by) the Secretary of State. An image of the youth’s birth certificate is included in this process…


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