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Epstein Cover-Up Is Final Nail in The Coffin for Any Last Shred Of Credibility in Mainstream Media

With ABC News’ Amy Robach now admitting on camera that her fake news network buried the Jeffrey Epstein story to protect the Clintons, we are witnessing the final nail in the coffin for any last shred of credibility in mainstream media.

The media long ago abandoned any remaining pillar of journalism in their effort to accomplish two things:

1) Protect the Clintons at all costs.

2) Destroy Trump and his supporters at all costs.

Those two things have driven the media’s entire narrative for at least the last five years (and probably longer).

Now, thanks to a real whistleblower inside ABC News who handed off video to Project Veritas, the whole world can see that ABC News — just like NBC, NYT, WashPost, CNN, MSNBC, etc. — is nothing but an extension of the dishonest, deeply corrupt Democrat party and its war on truth.

Those two things have driven the media’s entire narrative for at least the last five years (and probably longer).

It’s not just the news cartels that are waging war on truth, either: It’s also the tech giants. With their malicious, politically-motivated censorship and de-platforming efforts well under way, the tech giants are working to silence all pro-Trump voices while magnifying the bizarre conspiracy theories of Adam Schiff (or the insane anti-science biological subjectivism of the transgender movement).


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