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Ethics Watchdog Files Another Hatch Act Complaint Against Biden’s Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm


An ethics watchdog group filed its second complaint against Biden’s Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm with the Office of Special Counsel (OSC) to further investigate an alleged violation of the Hatch Act when Granholm used the “official social media account to advocate that citizens vote a certain way.”

The Foundation for Accountability and Civic Trust (FACT) complaint asked the OSC to further investigate Granholm after finding more alleged Hatch Act violations against her. Granholm used her official “@SecGranholm” Twitter account — which is taxpayer-funded — to push Mainers to vote “No” on a particular proposal that was being voted on this past Tuesday.

While Americans are struggling with rising gas prices, Granholm appears to be more concerned with Maine’s ballot initiative. Even more, Friday morning Biden’s energy secretary laughed and said it was “hilarious” when asked about Biden’s plans to bring gas prices down and increase the oil production in the United States.


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