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Exclusive: Helicopter Pilot Forced to Get COVID Vaccine Grounded After Experiencing Rare Strokes

Tim McAdams, a 59-year-old pilot and health enthusiast loved his work teaching pilots to fly Airbus Helicopters — until Airbus required him to get the COVID-19 vaccine. Three weeks after he got his second Pfizer shot, Tim had two cerebellar strokes — a rare stroke in the cerebellum that accounts for only 1-4% of total strokes.

Tim McAdams, a 59-year-old pilot, health enthusiast, husband and father was content with his job training pilots for Airbus Helicopters — a job he held for over a decade — until Airbus mandated the COVID-19 vaccine for its employees.

Up to that point, Tim and his wife Beth McAdams had approached the vaccine as a question of “risk management,” they told The Defender in an interview. Because Tim was fit, healthy and had no family history of illness, they didn’t think he needed to get the shot, despite repeated urging by Airbus.

“But when my employer mandated it, I thought, ‘Well now all of our retirement plans, everything could be in jeopardy if I have to try to find another job,’” Tim said.

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