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Exclusive— Tom Cotton: Senate Republicans Will Make Any ‘Build Back Better’ Votes Painful for Democrats


Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) told Breitbart News in an exclusive interview that he and other Senate Republicans will not let the Democrats easily pass any “Build Back Better” (BBB) multi-trillion-dollar bill without a fight.

While fundraising and campaigning for GOP candidates ahead of the 2022 midterms in Iowa last week, Cotton told Breitbart News that if the Democrats bring the Biden agenda bill up for a U.S. Senate vote, then the Republicans in the Senate have the ability to force what is called a “vote-a-rama” where they can force as many amendment votes as they want. Cotton previewed some planned amendments to make life difficult for Democrats, in which he and other Republicans will push measures designed to target President Joe Biden’s and the Justice Department’s decision to give out $450,000 settlement checks to illegal aliens separated at the border from their families due to former President Donald Trump’s strict immigration enforcement measures.

“I will say this, that if the Democrats move forward with this massive spending bill, we will have an opportunity to offer a lot of amendments to that bill and I look forward to some of the vulnerable Democratic senators up for election next year taking a vote on this very question,” Cotton said. “I can assure you they will be forced to.”


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