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Following Justice Thomas’s Logic Smackdown – 16 Questions To Ask Your “Woke” Friends

By Tatyana Larina

On Monday, the U.S. Supreme Court dismissed a case that claimed former President Donald Trump blocking people on Twitter violated the First Amendment.  The lawsuit was brought by a group of users who were blocked by President Trump, along with the Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University.

Justice Clarence Thomas issued a concurring opinion where he used a perfectly logical argument for dismissal.

“The disparity between Twitter’s control and Mr. Trump’s control is stark, to say the least. Mr. Trump blocked several people from interacting with his messages. Twitter barred Mr. Trump not only from interacting with a few users, but removed him from the entire platform, thus barring all Twitter users from interacting with his messages.

Any control Mr. Trump exercised over the account greatly paled in comparison to Twitter’s authority, dictated in its terms of service, to remove the account ‘at any time for any or no reason.’“

What Justice Thomas is saying is that Twitter – a private company – exercised its sole power to completely erase what was considered “a public forum.” President Trump only blocked several users from posting on his personal Twitter feed on that forum; by removing President Trump’s account, Twitter banned all users from posting on it. So if anybody is liable for a First Amendment violation here, it’s Twitter.

“A society of essential oils and self-esteem has replaced a society of logic.” ― Ben Shapiro

There is one thing that will eventually destroy the woke movement: their inability to embrace simple logic. None of the rules that they are trying to impose on society make any sense – and sooner or later the majority of people will catch up with that fact. Just as a person who jumps from a balcony because he doesn’t understand gravity will end up in an ER or worse, so the woke mob will bring about their own destruction by refusing to obey the rules of logic.

I encourage you to hasten the woke mob’s demise by following Justice Thomas’s lead and unleashing some mean logic on them. If you have a “woke “friend, here are a few things that will likely make them suck their thumb and send them running for a safe space.


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