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Former Maldives President Mohamed Nasheed injured in bomb blast

by Arun Janardhanan

Ahmed Mahloof, Minister of Youth and Community Empowerment in Maldives, said they were yet to ascertain details of his injuries.

Mohamed Nasheed, former President of Maldives and the current Speaker of Parliament, sustained injuries in a bomb blast near his home on Thursday night.

Ahmed Mahloof, Minister of Youth and Community Empowerment in Maldives, said they were yet to ascertain details of his injuries.

Talking to The Indian Express, Mahloof said the incident was reported around 8.30pm (Maldives Time).

“He was about to leave his home. The explosion happened while he was walking towards his car. It is a narrow street where he lives so he had to walk a few meters to reach the car. It was reportedly a motorbike that exploded. He was accompanied by his bodyguards and one of them was also injured,” he said. “I am deeply worried. An act of terrorism… I am sure this government will take strict action against perpetrators,” Mahloof added.

President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih visited Nasheed at the hospital. “Speaker of Parliament President Mohamed Nasheed is currently receiving treatment at ADK Hospital in Malé for injuries sustained following an explosion outside his residence tonight. We are treating this matter with utmost seriousness and the investigation is currently underway,” a statement from Solih said.

According to sources, Nasheed has sustained many superficial wounds, and a deep cut on his arm. His vitals signs are good and there seems to be no serious injury to his internal organs.

“Strongly condemn the attack on Speaker of Parliament, President @MohamedNasheed this evening. Cowardly attacks like these have no place in our society. My thoughts and prayers are with President Nasheed and others injured in this attack, as well as their families,” Abdulla Shahid, the foreign minister of Maldives tweeted.

Local media reported that a foreigner who was standing near the site also was injured in the blast, and was hospitalised.

India’s external affairs minister S Jaishankar wished Nasheed a speedy recovery and said he would “never be intimidated.”w


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