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Gaslighting the Voters

“Gaslighting” is a term well-known in the psychological counseling community, especially among those dealing with narcissistic personality disorders.  It refers to the technique used by a narcissist to convince his victim that what he sees with his own eyes is not true, and hence, he must be going crazy.  If the victim catches the narcissist in the act of some foul deed or betrayal, the narcissist will deny his guilt with such passion and apparent sincerity that the victim is tempted to believe him, despite the evidence of his own eyes.  The technique is especially effective as a long-term strategy — the victim or enabler is worn down by repeated assertions that what he just saw or knows to be true is actually false, to the point where he doesn’t have the strength to resist anymore.

It is apparent that this is the strategy the Democratic party hopes to ride to victory in 2020.  The truth is the Russian Collusion Hoax, which the Democrats in Congress and the media obsessed over for two long years was not just a fabrication, but a deliberate coup attempt aimed at bringing down the legitimate head of the executive branch elected by the American people.  The truth is the nominee of the Democratic party for president, Hillary Clinton, bought and paid for the fake opposition research that was used by the corrupt Obama administration as a pretext to spy on an opposing candidate.  A climate of hysteria was created about these false charges in the hopes that public pressure could be built up to force the removal of Donald Trump from office.  These truths are so outrageous, so unprecedented in American history, that it defies belief that no one has been punished for these actions to this date.


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