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Georgia’s Transqueer Activists Are Not Telling the Truth – It’s Time to Call Them Out

By Staff

Guest post by Jeff Cleghorn

I am a 6th generation Georgian, Army veteran, lawyer, and gay man who lives in a rural county with my husband and our two dogs. I am struck by the disconnect between reporting in mainstream media, like the Atlanta Journal Constitution, about “LGBTQ discrimination” and an “epidemic of hate” and the starkly different reality I observe every day. What the media and “LGBTQ” activist groups like Georgia Equality and the Human Rights Campaign say is happening is very different from reality.

I speak out as a gay rights advocate since 1993, having worked on the legal staff of the Washington, DC based gay rights group Servicemembers Legal Defense Network, from 1997 through 2003. I later served on SLDN’s board, as well as the boards of Georgia Equality and Lambda Legal. I am a past President of Georgia’s Stonewall Bar Association. I have long advocated for the equal dignity of gay men and lesbian woman across Georgia and the United States.

I have not heard of a single instance of “hate” or “discrimination” directed towards a gay or lesbian or transgender Georgian in recent memory. Nor has the media or activist groups pointed to any specific examples, which tells us they don’t have any. So, what is going on?

Georgia, like the rest of our country, is embroiled in a cultural debate about “Queer” (the word LGBTQ activists prefer) and Transgender issues. For reasons no one seems to understand, following the successes of the gay rights movement (legalization of same-sex marriage, military service, etc.), the apparatus of that movement was hijacked by far-left activists who were looking for a reason to justify staying in business (and obtaining massive funding from corporate America and big pharmaceutical companies). What they came up with was a plan to spread their ideology (that sex, gender, and sexuality are fluid social constructs that can mean anything someone says they mean) by targeting children.

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