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GOP Rep. Billy Long joins Missouri Senate race

by Bridget Bowman

Kansas City, MO — Missouri GOP Rep. Billy Long is going after the state’s open Senate seat, according to a new filing with the Federal Election Commission that shows Long’s House campaign account has been renamed “Billy Long for Senate.”

Long joins an already crowded field of candidates in the race to replace retiring GOP Sen. Roy Blunt. Politico recently reported that Long advertised an Aug. 11 event with Kellyanne Conway, a top aide to former President Donald Trump, at which Long will make a “special announcement.”

The primary field includes another member of Missouri’s congressional delegation, Vicky Hartzler, who launched her Senate campaign in June.

Rep. Jason Smith is also considering a run, while Rep. Ann Wagner announced Tuesday morning that she will not run for Senate.

Former Gov. Eric Greitens, who left office in 2018 amid multiple scandals, is also running, along with state Attorney General Eric Schmitt and attorney Mark McCloskey, who made national headlines last year for brandishing a gun when Black Lives Matter protesters marched near his home.

Long, first elected to the House in 2010, represents the deeply Republican 7th District in the southwestern part of the state, which includes Springfield and Joplin. Before coming to Congress, Long worked as an auctioneer and a talk radio host.

Missouri is not one of the eight states that Inside Elections with Nathan L. Gonzales rates as a Senate battleground. Trump won Missouri by 19 points in 2020.

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