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Green New Deal Insurrectionists Blockade the White House, Demand Money

By Eric Worrall

h/t Dr. Willie Soon; Or is it only an “insurrection” when the protestors support President Trump?

The Sunrise Movement describes itself as a “climate revolution“. They published the following on their White House protest.

We are at the White House: No Compromises, No Excuses Biden

We need a CCC and bold climate policy now and we are not leaving till we get it.

Nikayla Jefferson | June 28, 2021

Our White-House Sit-In Demands:

No Compromise, No Excuses. Democrats must take their power seriously and do what’s needed with or without the GOP.

Meet with the People Who Elected You. We demand that Biden set up a meeting with Varshini Prakash, Executive Director of Sunrise Movement, and other movement leaders to hear our demands on infrastructure and negotiate with us.

Fully Fund the Civilian Climate Corps. This moment demands bold action and a significant infrastructure package to stop climate change and create millions of good jobs in the process. That is why we need a fully funded Civilian Climate Corps to put over 1.5 million Americans to work in good paying union jobs while combating climate change and building a sustainable future for our generation – all while giving us hope for the future and changing how we see the government.

No doubt Congress will shortly announce an insurrection probe, into the threat posed to The Republic by radical Democrat supporters who describe themselves as climate revolutionaries.



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