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Here’s How the Biden Administration Is Reportedly Handling Iran Nuclear Deal

In case there’s any doubt how weak President Joe Biden is on dealing with Iran, the Wall Street Journal reported in the early morning hours of Monday that “Biden Administration Presses Allies Not to Confront Iran on Nuclear Program.” Not only is the United States reportedly not going to tell Iran off for their nuclear program, but is urging our true allies to do the same.

 As the report mentions:

BERLIN—The Biden administration is pressing European allies to back off plans to rebuke Iran for advances in its nuclear program, even as it expands its stockpile of near-weapons-grade fissile material to a record level, according to diplomats involved in discussions.

The U.S. is arguing against an effort by Britain and France to censure Iran at the International Atomic Energy Agency’s member-state board in early June, the diplomats said. The U.S. has pressed a number of other countries to abstain in a censure vote, saying that is what Washington will do, they said.

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