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HHS to Produce 4.8M Bird Flu Vaccines as 2 New Human Cases Identified



Federal health officials are ramping up efforts to combat what they claim is the growing threat of H5N1 bird flu with plans to produce 4.8 million vaccine doses and increase influenza surveillance nationwide.

The move comes as two new human bird flu infection cases were identified — in Michigan and Australia — heightening concerns about the virus’s potential to spread among humans.

The new vaccine, currently in bulk form, will be filled and finished in multidose vials by one of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) manufacturing partners without disrupting seasonal flu vaccine production, according to the University of Minnesota’s Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP).

HHS Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response Dawn O’Connell on Wednesday said that active discussions are underway across federal agencies about the key triggers for deploying the H5N1 vaccine doses.

Triggers could include evidence the virus is spreading to people not employed on farms, or between humans rather than solely from animals to humans, or that the virus is causing more severe illness in those infected.

O’Connell also said HHS is in talks with Pfizer and Moderna about developing mRNA-based bird flu vaccines.

Reports of new human bird flu cases and plans for increased vaccine production sparked a surge in the value of vaccine-focused biotech companies’ stock on Wednesday, including Moderna, BioNTech, CureVac and Novavax, according to The Financial Times…



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One Comment

  1. doug doug May 24, 2024

    Watch and wait. “IF” this bird flu thing becomes more wide spread (election coming up) Would bet my life “again” that the vax will just knock down the virus and not kill it. That leads to mutation and then the CDC wanting the public to believe “annual’ vacs are necessary to control it. And again, most of the children that have been in social contact with the world (again) will be immune until they isolate them. If we fall for this or tolerate this intentional disruption, we are dummer than I thought.

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