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High school classroom decorated with ‘f*** the police’ poster and other left-wing symbols

by Matthew Miller

A Los Angeles high school classroom was revealed to be adorned with anti-police posters, Black Lives Matter and LGBTQ pride flags, and other left-wing symbols by a parent who sent photos to an activist parents group.

The nonprofit organization Parents Defending Education tweeted out the pictures from the classroom at Alexander Hamilton High School, including one showing a poster emblazoned with the words “F*** the Police.” The photos also showed an American flag draped disrespectfully over furniture.

Other decorations included a Palestinian flag and a poster condemning Americans for occupying “native land.”

Parents Defending Education claims its mission is to empower “parents to advocate for classrooms that educate – not indoctrinate,” according to the group’s Twitter bio.

Los Angeles Unified School District responded with a statement that it requires students and adults in both schools and offices to treat all persons equally and respectfully and refrain from the willful or negligent use of slurs.

“Across the nearly 630,000 students and about 30,000 teachers district-wide, individual teachers decorate their rooms in a variety of ways, with some decorations being directly tied to or in support of our district curriculum, while others are inclined to adorn based on their freedom of expression and individuality,” the statement continued.


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