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HILARIOUS: Watch CNN Forced To Admit The Trump Bronx Rally Is HUGE and DIVERSE!

By Noah

This is a classic CNN moment!

Watch as Anderson Cooper suddenly gets a face longer than Sarah Jessica Parker when his on the scene reporter is forced to admit the Trump Bronx Rally is actually very successful.

Big turnout
.and “it looks a lot like America here”
.very diverse people in attendance!


Backup video here:

Host: “What kind of response did he get?”

Kristen Holmes: “Certainly a bigger crowd than Democrats would like to see.”

Host: “This is one of the bluest counties in the entire country.”

Holmes: Trump’s campaign plans to “micro-target” urban voters. The former president’s Bronx rally was filled with, well, Bronx voters.

Holmes: “I’ve gone to a lot of these rallies across the country, and there are often people who travel hundreds of miles to see Donald Trump and they’re not necessarily part of the community. However, one of the things that I found was that there are a lot of people here who are actually from the Bronx.”

Holmes: “You had people saying he doesn’t belong here. But you also had a number of voters who told me that they had supported Biden in 2020. They were very unhappy, particularly with the state of the economy and they were looking for alternatives, namely former President Donald Trump.”

Holmes: Trump stayed “remarkably on message here talking about things that do matter to New York voters, talking about helping with infrastructure, helping with jobs.”

I can’t decide who’s face is better

Read Full Article Here…(

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