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How the Schools Got Queered

By Sally Zelikovsky

Years back, when I lived in Northern California, a huge controversy erupted in a town called Novato about implementing a pro-LGB curriculum and movie called That’s a Family in the elementary schools.  Parents were outraged, including liberals, and it made national news for months.

California was the epicenter for gay education/indoctrination in the schools, and I was fully enmeshed in these issues, with kids in public and private schools in Marin and San Francisco.  The school my kids attended at the time was grappling with the same That’s a Family brouhaha.  I led the opposition, with tremendous support from mostly liberal parents, including one LGB parent, who said: “At this age, all my child wants to do is play, be with friends, and is not thinking about these issues.  It’s just not age-appropriate.”

How did we get from there to Disney opposing Gov. DeSantis’s Parental Rights in Education bill and bragging about outwardly “queering” entertainment for our kids…

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