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‘I have no house or TV career. I have nothing’: Former Fox News host Juliet Huddy broke $500K NDA to work with Bombshell writer while Megyn Kelly refused and Gretchen Carlson was silenced by $20M settlement


  • Juliet Huddy received a six-figure payout from Fox News after accusing Bill O’Reilly of sexual harassment, which required her to sign a NDA
  • That could cost her up to $500,000, but she said:  ‘I lost my house … and I couldn’t get a job for over a year So come after me. I don’t have anything’
  • Gretchen Carlson says that she was upset by the fact that she was not able to tell her story to producers while they were developing the film because of her NDA
  • Megyn Kelly did not speak with producers or star Charlize Theron and received no compensation, despite scenes that seemed to be taken from Settle For More

The producers behind the upcoming Fox News expose Bombshell are revealing that they spoke to 20 individuals who have connections to Fox News before starting work on the upcoming film.

‘We have all taken an oath to protect our sources,’ star and producer Charlize Theron told The Hollywood Reporter.

‘But we tried to communicate as much as we could with everybody. Yeah, I’ll just say that.’

Theron, who plays Megyn Kelly, did not get a chance to speak with Kelly however according to the latter’s rep, while Gretchen Carlson was prohibited from speaking due to the terms of her $20 million settlement with Fox News and former CEO Roger Ailes.

That non-disclosure agreement did not stop Juliet Huddy however, who admits to sharing her story with Charles Randolph while he was working on then screenplay.

That could cost the former anchor – who reportedly received a six-figure exit package after alleging she was sexually harassed by Bill O’Reilly – a $500,000 penalty.

‘I lost my house. My television career combusted, and I couldn’t get a job for over a year,’ said Huddy.

‘So come after me. I don’t have anything.’

Carlson, who is portrayed by Nicole Kidman, says that she was upset by the fact that she was not able to tell her story to producers while they were developing the film.

‘It’s really frustrating that because of my NDA, I can’t participate in any of these projects,’ notes Carlson.

‘It’s why I’m working so hard on the Hill to change that.’

And despite the fact that the trailer is filled with scenes that seem to have been taken straight from Kelly’s memoir Settle For More, she did not speak with producers and pocketed nothing from the project.

‘Megyn has never met or spoken to Charlize, and she did not sell the rights to the book [Settle For More],’ says her attorney Bryan Freedman.

‘In fact, Megyn was as surprised as anyone when the trailer dropped.’

Huddy says that she was not offered much control of how she was portrayed in the film, noting she learned about one scene after it had been shot.

‘I thought, “Well, God, he’s contacted me kind of late to get my perspective,”‘ recalls Huddy.

‘I really do hope that they did their due diligence. I hope that they kept in mind the fact that while Gretchen and Megyn were turned into heroines, there were quite a few of us whose lives were turned upside down.’

This is not the first time that Huddy has spoken publicly, having previously shared her story with Kelly back in 2017 on Today.

Less than an hour later, her brother John was fired by Fox News ‘following a thorough investigation into a physical altercation earlier this month’.

The network said that the timing was a coincidence and that they were prepared to make the announcement Friday, but did not in observation of the Sabbath.

There was no explanation however as to why Huddy, who was stationed in Jerusalem, was fired at the end of the day and not first thing in the morning.

She did not go into any specific details at that time however, citing her NDA as the reason for her silence on certain topics.



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