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Ilhan Omar slams journalist for smearing Canadian café owner over her donation to truckers

By Hannah Nightingale


“I fail to see why any journalist felt the need to report on a shop owner making such a insignificant donation rather than to get them harassed.”

Following a hack of the GiveSendGo website revealing those that donated to the Canadian Freedom Convoy page, Rep. Ilhan Omar took to Twitter to defend a café that has been targeted after the owner’s name appeared amidst the leaked names.

“I fail to see why any journalist felt the need to report on a shop owner making such a insignificant donation rather than to get them harassed. It’s unconscionable and journalists need to do better,” Omar wrote on Wednesday evening.

Omar’s tweet inspired a retweet from staunch conservative Texas Senator Ted Cruz, who has been opposed to Omar, and she to him, in nearly every other area of politics.



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