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Introducing “Bidenvilles”…The Only Housing You Can Afford!

By Noah


Have you ever heard of “Hoovervilles”?

If you’re over a certain age, you might have lived through it.

Otherwise, if you’re a history buff you might know about them.

For everyone else, I’ll be your Professor Noah and class is in session!

Hoovervilles looked like this, and they sprang up all over town because of how horrible the economy was under President Herbert Hoover:

Here’s more (courtesy of ChatGPT):

“Hoovervilles” were shantytowns named sarcastically after President Herbert Hoover, who was in office during the onset of the Great Depression in the late 1920s and early 1930s. They sprang up around the United States as a dire symbol of the economic desperation faced by thousands of Americans. The name “Hooverville” itself became a biting comment on what many saw as Hoover’s failure to effectively address the economic collapse.

The living conditions in Hoovervilles were incredibly harsh. These makeshift settlements were often built from scavenged materials like cardboard, tarpaper, glass, lumber, tin, and whatever else people could find. They lacked proper sanitation, running water, and electricity. Diseases spread quickly in such cramped and unsanitary conditions, and with little access to healthcare, residents suffered greatly. Malnutrition was rampant due to widespread unemployment and poverty. Security was minimal, leading to high rates of crime as people became desperate to survive. Essentially, Hoovervilles were grim manifestations of the failure of the economy and government support systems.

But now let’s compare to what the world looks like under Biden…


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