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Is the Covid Pandemic the Only Global Lie? You Decide


By Dr. Igor Shepherd


Ah, the Covid-19 pandemic. Is it really the first humongous lie to fool all of humanity on a “global” scale in order to usher in a one world government? Or is a much grander hoax in play, crafted and commenced centuries ago by Elite rulers whose deceitful actions were also steered by their menacing desires to bring forth world domination? Could the world we have been taught to believe in as a steadfast reality actually be a giant distortion, planned and put together to dumb-down the minds of humanity so that overthrowing nations could be more easily accomplished? Could the deception be so grand that only those ruling the world are privy to it? Keep reading. I will let you decide.

The last few years humanity has been forced to ride an unrestrained roller-coaster of manufactured illusions and chaos (which now includes a propped-up war involving Ukraine). The Covid delusion specifically allowed madmen in power to swiftly usher in a twisted new normal worldview, which set the foundation for them to reset and globalize the world before the year 2030 tick-tocked into place.

How did this quest for globalization come about? We can review historical and Biblical accounts to understand that mad rulers in power have always strived to control mankind and form an authoritarian new normal within a rigid one world government. History discloses that religion has usually been the cause behind most wars. And it is a known fact that submission to the Biblical LORD is a threat to rogue rulers and their tyrannical establishments, especially when Christianity tops other religions and comprises of billions of people. This is why communist countries, for example, forbid Biblical teachings and persecute Christians. Keeping mankind subdued is hard to do when allegiance to God supersedes obedience to them and their iron fists of command. Such leaders know that they cannot fully be kings and lords over all the nations and bring forth world dominance when there is already a KING OF KINGS and a LORD OF LORDS sitting on a throne.



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