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Is the Debate a Good Time for Trump to Announce His Safest and Wisest VP Pick?


The odd timing and bizarre circumstances behind holding a presidential debate in June speak a lot to the oddness of the Democrat nominee. The debate revolves around President Biden’s performance since so many members of his own party want him gone. It is his to lose.

Joe wants to give up power the way gun owners want to give up their firearms— as the old bumper sticker put it, “out of my cold dead hands.” Nevertheless, the minority of smart members of his party know Joe can’t win and are trying to ease him out based on this debate. For some reason, these geniuses want either former first lady Michelle Obama or California Governor Gavin Newsom to step in. Both have name recognition and no baggage on the sinking Biden ship of state, but little else to recommend them.

Those more desperate to hold on to the black vote might even suggest an Obama-Kamala Harris ticket. In that case, Republicans would be smart to argue that Barack Obama and his people are really the power behind the unoccupied throne of doddering Joe. Alas, no political failure, no matter how obvious, is ever attributed to the Obamas, the evidence to the contrary notwithstanding.

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